Italian luxury fashion brand Prada has announced the launch of its eighth exclusive Timecapsule NFT collection, slated for January 5, 2023. Going back in time, Prada first launched Timecapsule on December 5, 2019 in Europe. Till date, the Timecapsule presents a new physical shirt on the first Thursday of every month, an online exclusive for just 24 hours. And, the gifted NFT accompanying each shirt serves as an invitation to join Prada’s Crypted NFT community.

The latest NFT drop #37 in the Timecapsule collection will present a series of shirts featuring prints by Italian photographer Enzo Ragazzini from his Sixties and Seventies’ archive. Titled “Interferenza Ottica Art Print By Enzo Ragazzini 1969”, the January shirt will feature a design made in 1969 on the occasion of Enzo Ragazzini’s exhibit at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London with the optical interference technique, using mechanical devices of his own invention. This work was digitised in 2017. The shirt’s front pocket features the Prada logo and a transfer on the back with the word “January”.

Prada’s eighth exclusive Timecapsule NFT collection

As with their Spring Summer fashion show, one lucky Prada Timecapsule NFT Holder and his or her guest will get the opportunity to be hosted in Milan for a Prada exclusive experience including an invitation to Prada Menswear Fall Winter 2023 on January 15. More details will be shared on the Prada Crypted Community on Discord. With the world embracing the metaverse, it’s imperative for fashion brands to make changes in their marketing strategy. Per Forbes, “Scarcity is the basis for both the luxury market and NFTs. Just like in the fashion and art world, NFTs are all about collectibles. NFTs now bring a new level of exclusivity and also an opportunity to turn digital designs and collections into highly scarce, valuable, luxurious and unique collector pieces. While customers’ self-expression used to be only physical, it is now merging with the virtual at an accelerated pace. The most straightforward example of a product NFT is when the asset is the digital twin of a real-life product and has its own value….”

So, what are you waiting for? How does one get in on it? The Prada Timecapsule drop is open to customers in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China Mainland, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong S.A.R., Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Estonia, Republic of Korea, Romanian, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States for 24 hours only, starting from January 5th, 2023 at 3pm CET. Each drop is limited to 50 items. To be eligible, you must Hold a Prada Timecapsule NFT in your wallet purchased from Prada directly or secondary market; be part of the Prada Crypted Discord and be verified as a holder via and have the green tick to prove verification there.