You may have heard the phrase “health is wealth”, but few people truly take this motto to heart. Fast food, social media addiction, binge drinking, a sedentary lifestyle, and more are culturally prevalent across the globe. Unfortunately, it seems not enough people realize that looking after your physical and mental well-being is a huge determinant of your overall quality of life. For a different perspective on diet and health, Carnivore Snax explores the question of whether the carnivore diet is a healthy choice.
Caring for your health not only affects how you feel day-to-day, but it also gives you the best shot at preventing chronic illnesses which could otherwise completely derail your life’s trajectory. This isn’t to say that you have complete control over your health, but rather that doing your best to look after your well-being is always a worthwhile investment. Here are a few top tips to feel healthy every day.
Get Proper Rest
Did you know the average person gets less than 7 hours of sleep a night? This is far below the generally recommended 8-9 hours most people need, and it can leave you tired, cranky, caffeine dependent, and stressed out. Sleep is incredibly important not just to make you feel rested but also because it impacts your mood, metabolism, mental health, and cognitive abilities.
A few of the best ways to improve your rest are to give yourself enough time to wind down before bed, to reduce caffeine intake 8-12 hours before sleeping, and to have a consistent sleep schedule. All of these tips should help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your shut-eye time.
Reduce Your Stress
One of the major causes of disease and illness is chronic stress. Though everyone feels the stress to some extent, issues arise when the pressure affects your ability to have any periods of relaxation and peace. You may be in a constant state of hypervigilance, and this eventually begins to have negative consequences for your health.
Combating stress is highly personal but a few key elements that may help are using your support network, reducing unreasonable self-imposed expectations, and choosing a lifestyle that’s realistic for your stress tolerance level.
Social Connection
Humans are social creatures. We all need the support and joy that comes from spending time with loved ones. Whether this is quality time in-person, an occasional phone call, or even staying up-to-date with friends and family online, it’s important to add some meaningful connection to your daily life.
Since the definition of a healthy social life is highly individual, this doesn’t mean you need to spend every waking moment with other people — though if that’s your cup of tea, you go for it! The goal is simply to add enough human connection to your life to avoid unmanageable feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Eat a Balanced Diet
This tip is no doubt one you’ve heard before, yet few people manage to follow it. The food you eat plays a huge role in your energy levels, your body composition, your mood, and your physical health. Before you jump to extreme diets and ask yourself questions like, Is 600 calories a day enough? it’s important to remember that a balanced diet should be nourishing and coincide with a healthy relationship with food. You don’t need to cut out all the foods you love to be healthy. A balanced diet should instead include plenty of wholesome, nutrient-dense foods alongside occasional indulgences from foods that are emotionally satisfying.
Here are some nutritious foods to keep you feeling your best:
- a variety of vegetables
- fresh fruits
- high protein foods like meats, legumes, soy, eggs, and high-protein dairy
- nuts and seeds
- dairy or dairy alternatives
- fermented foods
- healthy fats and oils
- whole grains
Consuming a balance of these categories can cover all your nutritional bases and leave you feeling energized. Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional for specific dietary advice.
Reduce Screen Time
Screens are a modern-day phenomenon that has had both wonderful and harmful impacts on society. They’re an amazing tool for connecting with others, providing education, entertainment, and much more, but this comes at a cost. Too much screen time can harm sleep, lead to neck, back, or eye problems, decrease physical activity, increase social isolation, and hurt mental well-being.
This is because the physical act of being sedentary for long periods of time isn’t good for your body, but also because some of the content people consume through their screens can be harmful. Spending large amounts of time on social media, in particular, can be an extremely addicting habit that’s known to increase anxiety and harm self-esteem. Giving yourself regular breaks from your phone, computer, and tv can do wonders for your health.
Get Moving
Physical activity is important for your heart health, your bone density, your fitness, your daily energy levels, your metabolism, your mood, your mental health, and so much more. It’s hard to overstate just how important this habit can be and just how underutilized it is. Most experts recommend at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week and few adults meet this.
Exercise is a broad term that can include anything that gets your muscles moving and your blood pumping and preferably is something you enjoy. Whether that’s tennis, running, walking, biking, lifting weights, gardening, team sports, or even just housework, any physical activity you can commit to regularly will no doubt greatly improve your life.
Stay Hydrated
Most adults should be drinking 8 cups of water per day or more, and this is another area where many people fall short. It’s easy to get distracted with work, your phone, or whatever else you have on the go, but making sure hydration becomes a habit is worth the effort.
Being chronically dehydrated can cause headaches, dizziness, sleepiness, and more. The next time you feel sluggish and off, consider whether you’ve had enough to drink that day and top up on some good old H2O if you need it!
Mental Health Care
This last health tip might be the most important. So much of how you feel physically has to do with how you’re doing mentally. If you’re suffering from mental illness, it can be extremely difficult or even impossible to put significant effort into your physical health.
Getting help when you need it from family, friends, community, or a therapist can be one of the best ways to set yourself on a path to better physical health as well. The body and mind are intricately connected, so it’s hard to have one thrive without the other.
Health is always a balancing act, but by putting effort into these 8 tips, you’ll be well on your way to feeling like your best self.