Maison Valentino – which in 2020 outfitted the characters of Nintendo’s ‘Animal Crossing’ video game – recently collaborated with Meta to create digital fashion looks for its avatars. Now, people can dress their avatars, which are available in Meta platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Messenger and Meta virtual reality experiences, from a selection of six men’s and women’s looks that have been carefully curated from Valentino’s recent collections.. The label did not specify the price of these six outfits. When Meta launched its Avatars Store, it indicated that the virtual designer outfits commercialised on it would be priced between $2.99 and $8.99.
In a company release, Valentino revealed that it is taking “a step forward toward commerce in the metaverse” by exploring the possibilities of digital clothing. “Encouraging individuality and building community is a constant conversation and exploration. Over the years, digital communities have strengthened this pursuit, building an even more powerful, open-to-all ethos.”
The Maison will continue to explore digital communities to open conversations and introduce the latest in culture and technology to its customers, as part of its vision of an immersive retail experience. Per L’Official: “From pieces in Pink PP and the iconic look in the Toile Iconographe to the Maison Valentino Essentials looks, participants can choose from various head-turning outfits to dress their avatars that can be utilised in Meta’s platforms including Instagram, Facebook, and its various VR experiences.” There are whispers of a second drop with Meta in the pipeline, which will be announced shortly.
Seems like Valentino has the right business strategy in place. The maison is steeped in in its rich heritage while allowing creativity to take the reins and remain relevant be it physical collections or foraying further into the metaverse. Per Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli on the official website of Valentino: “I am interested in the idea of humanism that nourishes creativity. The human connection that forms this Maison is for me the best team possible. Here I have discovered that no innovation can exist without a profound knowledge of tradition. At the same time, I know that the sense of limit that springs from this awareness gives you the freedom of thinking of how to trespass it. This, in synthesis, will be the new Valentino direction. A human narration, personal yet unanimous, of a story that is yet to be written.”
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Jasmeen Dugal is Associate Editor at FashionABC, contributing her insights on fashion, technology, and sustainability. She brings with herself more than two decades of editorial experience, working for national newspapers and luxury magazines in India.
Jasmeen Dugal has worked with exchange4media as a senior writer contributing articles on the country’s advertising and marketing movements, and then with Condenast India as Net Editor where she helmed Vogue India’s official website in terms of design, layout and daily content. Besides this, she is also an entrepreneur running her own luxury portal, Explosivefashion, which highlights the latest in luxury fashion and hospitality.